Faiz' b/day.
Spent the whole day with Faiz & Carlwin.
Started off our day at 8am ..

..with cake as breakfast.

Ah! And a nice cuppa' milk!
'course it was already there when I arrived. Half filled with an insect inside of it and a half eaten cake by it.

I was being ignored. They were just playing with Faiz's XBOX thingy majigg.

..heh. I got a little hooked, myself.



.."I'm on the way, I'm on the way!"

Went to CP afterwards to play some pool.
Then lunch at BK.
..and we ended up in Starbucks.

We were tired.
This is how we roll.
Watched a movie afterwards, though. :D
And did our stunt with the escalators. Took a movie but I'm too lazy to upload.

lol matt.
Lame, much?

STALKERS taking pictures of me!

Doin' some yoga outside.

We're the shit.
Jananii the Sri Lankan ; Marie & Nadiah the mixed kids.

History Midterms.
One week left.
[Edit end]
Oh dudes.Today's papers were seriously balls.We had 2 hours to study for both history paper. I spent a whole hour bitching about history.I don't even remember the things I said. It was all such a blur. It came from the heart. The hatred. The passion. The fury. I'm not going to bitch about it on my blog 'cause it's a sensitive topic.Although, I will say ..YOU'RE ALL GOING TO FUCKING DIE AND GO TO HELL. 'cause Jesus or Gabriel's going to send me an e-mail to kill all the protestants. AND you can't fucking charge me. Y'know why? 'cause God sent me. That's right. I'm a messenger of God, therefore I'm righteous etc etc.HELL NO. I can't be lying. I mean, c'mon. Why would I want to lie about getting a message from God at hmm, say 40 years old. Nobody was around to see me go in a trance (if I wanted more attention, I would've just faked a seizure, maybe?) I'm still young. I'm not having a mid-life crisis. My wife isn't aging and dying either. NONO, my uncle's still young and well. I don't have to come up with this elaborate lie/bullshit about how I'm going to start a revelation JUST to make my life more interesting. I LOVE BUSINESS. I'm not going to throw it all away, 'cause I'm this uber generous person.Also, since I can't get laid ..I'll just pretend I'm God or someone relatively close to being the alpha and omega.MEH FUCK THAT. Fuck you and your beliefs. I'm open when it comes to religion, but c'mon. Don't force feed it to me.K.Enough.I'm tired.And I have killing to do.I'm getting that e-mail from God, soon. The sooner, the better. I need to put an end to all this ridiculous crap.In closing, I think I bitch too much. Or at least TALK too much in real life.Whaddya think?
I leave with a mind boggling picture.
Mother's Day!
[ Edit; ]
So, Jesselton texts me and tells me she got a new puppy and wants my help naming it. I ringed and said "BLAAAAANKET". But she turned my suggestion down.
Anywho, Sam wanted to name it "Isabella". What the fuck? Who names a puppy, "Isabella"? That's just gay. "Here Isabella, come on girl. COME HERE ISA-BELL-LAA."
Who're you kidding?
Jesse just called me. She's not naming her pup "Jesus" either. LOL. :(
'cause she mentioned it to her aunt and her aunt's like, "HOW COULD YOU?"
I thought "Jesus" or "Mudda Mary" would be kick ass.
I guess not.
[ Edit; end ]It totally slipped my mind that today was Mother's Day.
Long story short, I made it up to my mother and took her out for lunch.

On the way out ;)
Mummy & girl.

Muffin, anyone?
They're delicious!
Took my mum to Veda Blue after that.
Then it was off to Delifrance.
All in all, it was a good day.
Stuffed ourselves up.

Snapped some pictures while mummy was driving.
The pictures didn't come out too bad.
I hate girls.
Soo, maybe "
HATE" is such a strong word. Alright,
dislike with passion. Better? 'kay.
Ever hear one of your girlfriends go off
talking about their relationship problems? Nobody wants to hear your bullshit about how your boyfriend is ignoring you for no reason. There has to be a reason.
1. He doesn't like you.
2. You fucked up but won't admit it. So, instead you go on about how he's the bad guy yaadaa, yaadaa, yaadaa.
3. You didn't ask him yet.
4. You're just too dumb to figure it out.
I also have a strong dislike towards girls who
talk about their relationship problems with a boy ..who doesn't even acknowledge their existance. These people, need to die. What "relationship"!? There is NO relationship! He doesn't like you, get over it. Don't turn it into a 4 year obsession and expect the rest of us to listen to you go on and on and ON. Stop it. You're just embarrassing yourself. You're making yourself look like a stalker. It's minute and pathetic.
And chances are, he'll try to avoid you/dislike you even more. It doesn't bring any good to ANYONE at all.
On to the next point. Girls who
don't take the advice I give them and come back to me the next week with, "Oh my God! I can't believe how things aren't working out. I can't believe how [insert some sort of melodramatic situation only girls can think of]" Y'know why things are turning out the way it is? It's because you didn't take my advice! I told you that'll happen, but NOO. Nope. You're too good for my advice. All I have to say is, IN YOUR FACE.
Soo, you're probably thinking, "Wow. That Marie girl is some bitch. People turn to her for some kind comfort but she's all up in your face about it". Personally, I don't give a damn. However, I'd like to point out that I do offer such comfort.
Just make sure you come to me with a real problem. Comprende? 'kay.
Andddddddd moving on to something much more obvious.
Gossiping. Ah yes, the all-time favourite pass time of girl. There really isn't much to say about this 'cause it's pretty obvious what girls do. So, here's my middle finger. Go choke on your own saliva.
Moving on.
Girls who dislike other girls and expect you to stop talking to the disliked girl. Say there's these two girls ..Dipshit and Turdface. So, Dipshit's got some issues with Turdface. And as a friend of Dipshit, you're automatically obligated to hate Turdface. That's bullshit. 'kay? 'kay. Just because you've got issues with some girl and choose to badmouth her to me ..it doesn't mean that I'm just going to stop talking to her, entirely. In fact, everything you tell me probably won't effect mine and Turdface's relationship. I'll still be friends with her, but it doesn't mean that I'm going to tell her the things that's been said about her.
Also, if you don't like a girl why tell her your secrets? I don't get it. Girls who
complain to me about ___* telling everyone their secret. I'm not going to listen to you. You can fall down a flight of stairs for all I care. You asked for it. Why would you do that in the first place? REALLY!?
Idiots. Gah.
Now, now. Just because I'm conveying my utmost dislike towards a certain type of girls, it doesn't mean I'm talking about you. Similar to my previous rant on "Scene Kids", I'm not targetting ONE person. It's the whole bunch of you that piss me off. I'm not saying that EVERY girl's the same either, just this particular group.
Which also leads to my next point.
Girls take things too personally. You make a joke about how they look, what they wear, how they speak ..and BAAM! You're in for a rough day about how you hurt their feelings and all that other crap. Come the fuck on. It was just a joke. Get over yourself and stop getting upset over the pettiest things. You just want to find an excuse to get mad so your life doesn't get lame and boring.
Y'know why your life is so lame and boring? It's 'cause you prefer to shop around for clothes (although I have to say I love shopping) and compare yourself with every girl. DAMNIT! What has the world come to!?
Being in Malaysia,
girls tend to be more narrow-minded then most. They can't seem to accept the fact that their boyfriend watched porn of jacks off. This, I find ridiculously funny. Personally, I think it's what boys do. Boys will be boys. Let them be. But I have come across a few girls who are like, "Oh my God. I found out ___* is watching porn. I think I need to break up with him".
'nuff said.
Anywho. It ends here. I'd like to go on but ..naaa. Time to read "GayJarah". Blah. I hate history, don't you? Especially Chapter 4 onwards. I mean, I respect that you have your own religion and whatnot but c'mon! DON'T CRAM UP MY HISTORY BOOK WITH INFORMATION I DON'T NEED.
I don't see anything about the Jews killing Jesus in our history book. So, why am I learning about your stuff?
Picture of the day ;
My dolls are pimp, doods. Haha.
These are some of the larger dolls I got as presents.
Cheeky (Fish) - Roger.
Dino - John.
Hushy (H. Puppy) - Faiz.
Dolly (Bear/Dog?) - Pete.
(Pink Bear) - Carlwin.
Pooh - Mum.

Also, I make a pretty good emo. Whaddya think? ;)
Definitely need a new hair cut.
& I need that tan back.

Vanity, much? LOL.
My blog. My freedom.
This is MY blog.
I'll blog about whatever I want to blog 'cause I have the freedom to blog as I wish.
It's called "Freedom of Speech". And I'm ready to accept any sort of consequences that may come my way. This is my way of expressing myself and what I go through. So, I may share my experiences and life, as I see it. What's becoming of the society, etc etc.
Enough of that.
Today ..was quite interesting to say the least. First, we made rockets during physics' class. Pretty cool how some of us had our rockets flying up in the air and some of them exploded in some's faces. They had it coming. Or shall I say, we. Nosy, good-for-nothing-know-it-alls just have to mess around with the rockets and BAAAAM! It's in our faces ..ethanol all over our uniforms ..etc etc.
So, as many of you know ..I fell out of a friendship a couple of years back with _______*. (Name shall not be mentioned to avoid any sort of embarrassment whatsoever). I got tired of all the lies created to make me look bad.
Everyone knows not to mess with ME. :)
I'm Marie.
If you cross the line, you have to expect to see a very angry person coming right at you.
Nobody likes seeing me mad. I can be waaay nasty.
And please, when you've said something ..TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. Don't try to fuckin' deny it like some ass-clown. Especially when I'm confronting you about it, don't ask your mother to talk to me 'cause you can't hold your tears in. 'cause you're too "HURT".
And I think it's pretty saddening how * decided to tell their mother lies just so * doesn't look bad. Give me a break.
Also, it's my life. Aren't I allowed to choose who I want to be friends with?
If I don't want to be your friend, get over it. I don't have to be friends with you 'cause your mom "would like to see us friends again".
That's not how I roll, k?
My life.
My rules.
I'll talk to whoever I want to.
If I don't like you, get over it.
"I understand it's part of growing up". If you want your son/daughter to grow up, maybe you shouldn't be talking to me. Maybe you should be letting your child express his/her own feelings and let them deal with their own problems. Stop spoiling them.
Also, I don't like talking to doting mothers. There's something about them that just ..frustrates me. How they think that their involvement in their child's teenage years will help the child to grow. GIVE ME A BREAK. Let your child learn on her own terms. He/She will have to grow up sometime and you spoon-feeding him/her (so to speak) all the way doesn't help much.
It BUILDS character.
(I love my mother because she lets me experience life and learn from my mistakes in my own terms. Even though she knows I'm bound to fall flat on my face.)
You should probably know this isn't my first time encountering mothers who didn't like me. Mothers who didn't like the way I was treating their beloved kids. I have that special quality to make their kid's life a living hell. Probably 'cause I don't pretend to like someone when I don't. I don't do hypocrisy.
Anyway, I'm too tired to go on. Basketball is exhausting. You'll probably hear rumours about this, naturally. I mean, I was in the tutor's house when all this bullshit happened, afterall. Lotsa other girls there.
Drama-causing girls.
I'm sick of this shit.
I love Jesse, Carlwin & Faiz.
Bad day.
Pete left this morning.
I don't get to see him 'till I go down to KL in June.
& 'till he comes home in October.
Switching gears for a second.
I'm thinking about running away.
..or moving out, at least.
I'm not going to take anymore bullshit from ______.
Scene kids.
[ Edit : ]
So, Pete came home last Saturday and he bought me a pair of aviators. Pretty cool.

lalat shaaaaaades :D

here i am ..being random :)
with too much free time
on my hands, apparently.
[ Edit : end ]
Another thing that's been getting under my skin lately. Someone should've seen this one coming, already. Scene kids.
Call it scene-ism or whatever it is, IT has become the latest trend, lately. To the average mind, it's the fact that they listen to obscure music and wear clothes that fit well, pants that are too tight (and you wonder why they're acting "emo" all day. I mean, if I had pants that grabbed my nuts all day, I'd start feeling a little depressed myself), neither is the fact they wear eye liner or their questionable sexuality.Before I start off, I'd like to point out that I am not targeting a specific individual in this rant. Therefore, if you read this blog and start thinking .."Hm. Is she talking about? That bitch. I'll kill her with one of my razorblades I have in my drawer". You're wrong. I'm just basing my observations on a few people I've seen following this
latest trend.So, take a deep breath.And here we go.Scene kids suck.:) The end.Nono, but really. It's time for my actual "argument" to begin.Clothes. Where does these scene kids shop? First theres the whole band t-shirt thing going on. Okay, that's alright. You like to wear accessive plastic jewelry that hangs all over your neck, around your arm and over your head. Alright, you go over the top on accessories, that's still acceptable. But what kind of half-wit ass clown would wear a Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, PowerPuffGirls' undersized t-shirt just because the other scene kids are wearing it? Give me a break! Oh yeah, 'cause bringing back 2nd Grade is the "in" thing now. Uh huh. STOP IT. Stop wearing your ridiculous plastic jewelry and tight pants with a shirt you got from Grandma 15 years ago. You're just making an all time legend like Mickey Mouse look bad. So, stop it. Seriously.Annnnnd, music. If there's one thing I hate more than you is the fact you have this ability to constantly fuck up a band I actually like listening to.Personality. Scene kids. Yeah, apparently they think they're the most attractive looking person on earth. Badmouth their looks and tell the the truth about how their nose is crooked, they have a fat lip, their hips are too big ..and they'll think you're jealous. Yes. Jealous. And then start this whole drama bullshit about how you were talking shit about him/her because you told them the truth. Y'know what? GET OVER YOURSELF. Sure, you've got the looks on camera ..but c'mon. Nobody's seen you without your make up on and we know you're good at photoshop. I mean, it's pretty obvious. Just stop embarrassing yourself, already.Moving on. Hair. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. The jet-black hair with bangs that cover half your face. Often clipped with one of those shiny little things. Also, the bleached/dyed/highlighted hair. You couldn't just go for regular colours, could you? You just haaaaaaad to have that pink hairdo with blue spiky hair. What is this?It's time for a reevaluation of one's life.If you're any of the above, I suggest you stay away from me. Because I will find someone to dedicate their life to eradicating you scene kids. I'd do it myself, but I'm bogged down with exams.So, 'till next time. Toodles!
Pissed off.
Waaaaaaay too many things at home that's bugging me.
Nag, nag, nag.
Seriously, if anyone pisses me off tonight or tomorrow in school, I'm going to make sure you come close enough to me so I can wave my sharp stationaries in the air wildly and hopefully put your eye out.