Palm Springs Condos

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Scene kids.

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So, Pete came home last Saturday and he bought me a pair of aviators. Pretty cool.

lalat shaaaaaades :D

here i am ..being random :)
with too much free time
on my hands, apparently.

[ Edit : end ]

Another thing that's been getting under my skin lately. Someone should've seen this one coming, already. Scene kids.

Call it scene-ism or whatever it is, IT has become the latest trend, lately. To the average mind, it's the fact that they listen to obscure music and wear clothes that fit well, pants that are too tight (and you wonder why they're acting "emo" all day. I mean, if I had pants that grabbed my nuts all day, I'd start feeling a little depressed myself), neither is the fact they wear eye liner or their questionable sexuality.

Before I start off, I'd like to point out that I am not targeting a specific individual in this rant. Therefore, if you read this blog and start thinking .."Hm. Is she talking about? That bitch. I'll kill her with one of my razorblades I have in my drawer". You're wrong. I'm just basing my observations on a few people I've seen following this latest trend.

So, take a deep breath.
And here we go.

Scene kids suck.

:) The end.

Nono, but really. It's time for my actual "argument" to begin.

Clothes. Where does these scene kids shop? First theres the whole band t-shirt thing going on. Okay, that's alright. You like to wear accessive plastic jewelry that hangs all over your neck, around your arm and over your head. Alright, you go over the top on accessories, that's still acceptable. But what kind of half-wit ass clown would wear a Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, PowerPuffGirls' undersized t-shirt just because the other scene kids are wearing it? Give me a break! Oh yeah, 'cause bringing back 2nd Grade is the "in" thing now. Uh huh. STOP IT. Stop wearing your ridiculous plastic jewelry and tight pants with a shirt you got from Grandma 15 years ago. You're just making an all time legend like Mickey Mouse look bad. So, stop it. Seriously.

Annnnnd, music. If there's one thing I hate more than you is the fact you have this ability to constantly fuck up a band I actually like listening to.

Personality. Scene kids. Yeah, apparently they think they're the most attractive looking person on earth. Badmouth their looks and tell the the truth about how their nose is crooked, they have a fat lip, their hips are too big ..and they'll think you're jealous. Yes. Jealous. And then start this whole drama bullshit about how you were talking shit about him/her because you told them the truth. Y'know what? GET OVER YOURSELF. Sure, you've got the looks on camera ..but c'mon. Nobody's seen you without your make up on and we know you're good at photoshop. I mean, it's pretty obvious. Just stop embarrassing yourself, already.

Moving on. Hair. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. The jet-black hair with bangs that cover half your face. Often clipped with one of those shiny little things. Also, the bleached/dyed/highlighted hair. You couldn't just go for regular colours, could you? You just haaaaaaad to have that pink hairdo with blue spiky hair. What is this?

It's time for a reevaluation of one's life.

If you're any of the above, I suggest you stay away from me. Because I will find someone to dedicate their life to eradicating you scene kids. I'd do it myself, but I'm bogged down with exams.

So, 'till next time. Toodles!