Palm Springs Condos

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I'm getting sick of people judging me by the way I look, the way I talk, or anything physical.

Let me get this straight.
You don't fucking know me.

You may THINK you know me, but really. Have you EVER talked to me? I'm not even talking about a deep, intellectual and meaningful conversation. I'm talking about SPEAKING to me. I don't think you're allowed to judge a person if you have never said 8062 words to. Heck, these bunch of people have never said ONE WORD to me.

It's ridiculous how PEOPLE (yes, there's more than 1. Actually 75.) are jumping to conclusions and making verdicts about me over nothing more than just word of mouth, appearance and the people I'm with. So, I'm not the best role model. NEVER SAID I WAS.

Heck, you already think I'm a rebel when I've done NOTHING wrong besides talk a lot. Yea, I talk. I LOVE TO TALK. But hey, I was thinking ..why not live up to your expectations? I wouldn't want to shatter your miserable little dreams, now would I?

C'yeah. I heard about the verdict. About what's going to happen to us.
Personally, I find it ridiculous and you people need to lighten up and/or get a life.

But that's just me.
And the rest of the world.

Ha. We'll see what happens after the tests are over.
You judge me.
I judge you.


I'm not going to say anymore. Wouldn't want you kids to have shit about me, now would I? (just in case you bunch of ..[ ] have no life but to check on a kid's blog).